I don’t do cardio – I hate cardio.
I hate what it does to my patients. It makes them worn out. It burns away their muscle. It trashes their immune system. It wears down their joints. It causes inflammation.
And that’s not all.
Through testing at my Wellness Research Foundation, I discovered that when you do a lot of cardio, it also shrinks your lungs. Then it slashes your heart’s pumping power. And makes your bones weaker. It even zaps your sex drive.

I tell all of my patients to stop doing it. And they immediately start to feel better, look better and have more energy.
We do Anti-Cardio instead.
It’s much easier. It’s much faster, too. And it can also lower your risk of heart disease 100 percent more than cardio can.
I’ll tell you more about this in a moment, but first I want to show you why cardio is so damaging to your body.
I’m doing everything I can to spread the word that cardio is a lie.
A very dangerous lie that will ruin your health in the long term.
I’m about to show you why you don’t need cardio. So far 70,000 people all across the country are experiencing what I call the “Anti-Cardio Way of Life.”
And when you hear how it works, you’ll want to throw away your jogging shoes…
The Ugly Truth About Cardio
When I say “cardio,” I’m not talking about going for a brisk walk… spending a few minutes on an elliptical machine… or swimming a few laps.
“Cardio” is short for cardiovascular endurance training. It’s the idea that you have to raise your heart rate for a long duration – at least 20 minutes, and usually much more. It’s when you spend 45 minutes on a treadmill, or run for miles every day. Or take an hour-long aerobics class.
This kind of exercising to exhaustion is just not natural.
Your ancestors didn’t jog for miles at a time. They didn’t jump around for an hour doing aerobics. They had short bursts of activity – sprinting to catch food, or to avoid being food. That’s how they stayed lean and strong.
The concept of cardiovascular endurance exercise – like marathon running or aerobics – goes against how your body was built to move.
And it can hurt you in the long run.
What’s worse is the advice of today’s fitness “experts” who tell you to do cardio so that you can get into the “fat-melting zone.”

Let me say that again…
Cardio Makes You Store Fat!
You see, it doesn’t matter how much fat you melt while running on the treadmill… or how many hours you spend at the gym… or whether you do one of those “insane” workout DVDs.
All that matters is what happens to your body when you stop.
When you finish a cardio workout, your body goes to work storing fat to fuel your next workout. That’s why those last few stubborn pounds never seem to come off by just doing more cardio.
Cardio is working against you.
My Anti-Cardio program restores your body’s natural metabolism and re-trains your body to store energy in your muscles, just like your ancestors did…
And it reprograms your body to dump that extra fat.
I call my program PACE Express – and you can do it at home without any special equipment. It takes just minutes instead of hours.

Burn Fat While You Rest…and Power Up Your Heart and Lungs
The first time I revealed the scientific proof behind my new Anti-Cardio category of fitness, called P.A.C.E., it sent shockwaves through the medical community.
“If he’s right…this changes everything.”
That’s what the Founder and President of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, Dr. Ronald Platz, said after reading my book, P.A.C.E.: The 12-Minute Fitness Revolution. I wrote this book to show the world that traditional cardio exercise is the most misguided and misunderstood fitness phenomenon ever… and that you don’t need it to drop weight.

“P.A.C.E.” stands for Progressively Accelerating Cardiopulmonary Exertion.
Unlike cardio, P.A.C.E. makes your heart – the most important muscle in your body – stronger by growing its reserve capacity. That means it boosts your heart’s pumping power. The same thing happens for your lungs. They get stronger and you get more lungpower.
That’s a huge difference from what happens when you do cardiovascular endurance exercise.
When you train for endurance, your capacity shrinks. Your lungs shrink. Your heart’s ability to pump blood shrinks. Your muscles shrink, too, because your body is “downsizing.” With a smaller “engine,” your body will be able to use less fuel and cover more ground.
Even though that might help you cross the finish line of a marathon… having a shrunken heart and lungs doesn’t make you healthier. (I’ve measured – and documented – this shrinking in long-distance runners. All the details are in my book.)
Here’s why this is dangerous.
When you lose lungpower, your risk of a heart attack goes up 200 percent.¹ In fact, the smaller your lungs, the greater your chances are of dying – from all causes.
I can’t stand by and watch this happen to my patients, or to the millions of people all across America who think that traditional cardio is universally “healthy.”
Now You Can Avoid Cardio Forever
Pretty soon after my book was published, my office was flooded with phone calls.
Thousands of people read my PACE book and called to ask me, “How do I start? What’s the next step?”
It was exciting to hear from so many people who were fired up about P.A.C.E. I’ve been working hard ever since to build an at-home P.A.C.E. program – so you can get results with the very same moves that have given new hope to my patients at the clinic.
It took me more than a year to put it all together. I flew back and forth to Los Angeles and worked with top fitness producers to get everything just right.
The result of all that hard work is PACE Express, an easy-to-follow DVD program you can do at home. It’s the easiest way to get all the benefits of P.A.C.E. without having to figure out all the science.
All you have to do is push play. You’ll be guided through every step of the way.
Just a few minutes and you’re done.
And you won’t ever have to do cardio again. Ever.
Instead of using “insane” movements that are impossible to do, I developed PACE Express using simple movements.
You can choose what’s right for you…whether you’re just starting, or are more advanced.
No matter what your level of fitness is, you can do PACE Express. If you can walk, you can do it!
Click here to try it now or keep reading for more success stories…
“All I Could Do Was 45 Seconds”

One of my patients, Terri, started out by walking just 45 seconds. At 250 pounds, that was the only exertion she could do at the beginning.
But every day, Terri did a little more and a little more…gradually increasing her intensity and building up her capacity.
Can you guess what happened? She went from a size 22 in Misses to a size 11 in the Juniors department. At 60 years old!
Terri tells me, “I’m proud of my transformation! I’m strong like I was in my teens and 20s. People around me talk about getting old, and I have to be honest. I tell them, ‘Not me! I’m getting younger!”
I have a drawer full of letters like this one. But now it’s your turn to see for yourself…
Welcome to the Anti-Cardio Way of Life
I want to make it as easy as possible for you to try PACE Express. So I’ve put together everything you need to transform your body…power up your heart and lungs…and track your success.
You can try PACE Express today for the special readers-only price of $59.85 plus shipping and handling. You’ll get the complete program for more than 50% off the regular public price of $119.85.

I designed the DVD to progressively accelerate you to the next level. All you have to do is follow along at your own pace and level of intensity. You see how easy it is to kick it up a notch if you want more intensity…and how to tone it down if you need to.
Here’s just part of what you are going to accomplish with PACE Express over the next few weeks:
- Build the strength and power of your heart and lungs
- Reduce your risk of heart attacks and cardiovascular disease
- Enjoy deeper, more focused breathing
- Develop a powerful and disease-resistant immune system
- Dramatically increase your level of liveliness
- Increase your lean muscle mass, and
- Melt fat, even while you rest!
But that’s not all you’ll get with PACE Express. Take a look at what else is included in this special package price – exclusive resources I put together to help you accelerate your fat loss…
7 Steps to High-Speed Fat Loss—a $14.95 value, yours FREE! I’ll show you how to hit your ideal weight without dieting or counting calories. With this guide, you’ll discover simple strategies to transform your body faster than you thought possible. When you combine this low-glycemic nutrition guide with your PACE Express program, you’ll maximize your fat loss.
Dr. Sears’ Gourmet Cookbook—a $24.95 value, yours FREE!
I’ll share my favorite recipes that help you fuel your body and promote fat melting. I like these recipes because each one is filling and delicious. You’ll never consider trying one of those fad diets again.
On-the-Go Pocket Nutrition Guide—a $5.95 value, yours FREE!
I designed this easy-to-reference pocket guide to help you choose fat-busting foods no matter where you are. It’s perfect for when you’re at a restaurant, visiting friends or at the grocery store.
- PACE Online Community Membership—a $120 value, yours FREE!
Your membership gives you exclusive access to insider tips and support from other PACE Express members all over the world. You’ll also get bonus videos that walk you through more simple exercises you can try at home…plus the P.A.C.E. online body fat calculator! You’ll have all of my best success strategies, all in one place.
Your 6-week Anti-Aging Guide—a $29.95 value, yours FREE!
I’ll also give you my step-by-step e-guide for building and preserving a more youthful life. You’ll get the same winning anti-aging strategies I share with the patients at my clinic. Start with one new anti-aging technique every week so you can live younger and keep getting better with age!
All together, these resources are valued at $195.80 – but they’re yours absolutely FREE with this PACE Express special package offer.

When you order Pace Express now, you’ll also get these 2 FREE Quick Response Bonuses! I designed these exclusive Bonuses to help you get off to a running start.
The best part is, with these Bonuses, you could lose a dress size or a pants size within the first 6 days.
Here is what you’ll get…
- Kick-Start Your Fat Loss in Just 6 Days—a $9.95 value, yours FREE! Follow this 6-day jump-start nutritional guide and P.A.C.E. workout plan for rapid fat loss. It’s easy once you know the three critical keys to fat-loss that delivers results.
4-part Bonus DVD—a $39.80 value, yours FREE! This DVD shows you more advanced ways to get fit and condition your heart and lungs with my unique Anti-Cardio approach.
- Part 1: Express Abs, to tighten and tone your core in 4 minutes
- Part 2: Express Hips, Buns and Thighs, to add more definition to your new, lean body using the PACE Express principles
- Part 3: Express Fit and Flexible, a relaxing series of stretches designed to soothe your body after your PACE Express sessions
- Part 4: A video message from me that shows you more about how I developed PACE Express…and why I’m so confident this Anti-Cardio Revolution will work for you.
Together, these Bonuses are valued at $49.75, but they’re yours FREE when you order. It’s my way of saying thanks for trying PACE Express.
All together with your FREE Bonuses, the entire system is valued at over $365. But you’ll get it all for the readers-only price of $59.85.
That’s the complete DVD program, my Gourmet Cookbook, 7 Steps to High-Speed Fat Loss, my 6-week Anti-Aging Guide, my On-the-Go Pocket Nutrition Guide and your Membership to the PACE Living Online Community…
All of it is included.
I developed every one of these resources so that you could have access to the same effective, personalized strategies I use at my clinic. With the entire PACE Express system at your fingertips, you’ll be able to get real results.
This is the same system that helped Terri L. dropped 98 pounds of fat. That helped Patti N. drop 28 pounds. And helped Shawna B. drop 47 pounds after having a baby. It’s helped thousands of others drop those stubborn “last 10 or 20 pounds”…and I know you’ll get results too.
And you can see for yourself without risking a dime, because…

I want you to have the chance to transform your body and experience the Anti-Cardio Way of Life for yourself.
That’s why I’m inviting you to try PACE Express without any risk or regrets, because your satisfaction is fully guaranteed.
I stand behind my program and the results that I’ve gotten with my patients, with my case study groups in Los Angeles and South Florida and with people all over the world. I know it can work for you too.
However, if you don’t get the transformation you want…if you don’t feel as energized as I’ve described… or if it doesn’t live up to your expectations for any reason…simply contact my office. You’ll get a full, no-hassle refund of your $59.85 plus shipping and handling.
It’s as simple as that.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD
P.S. — You don’t have to beat up your body with cardio – or feel guilty for hating the gym. When you order the PACE Express program within the next 5 days, you’ll get everything you need to transform your body the Anti-Cardio way – plus 2 FREE Bonuses to help you lose a dress or pants size in the first week.
Click here to join the PACE Express revolution now.
1 Cook DG, Shaper AG, “Breathlessness, lung function and the risk of heart attack,” European Heart Journal. 1988;9(11):1215–1222.