How to Effectively Use Twitter Hashtags

twitter hashtags

What Does ‘Hashtag’ Mean? Remember the pound symbol #? it’s now popularly known as a hashtag. A hashtag is a keyword phrase, spelled out without spaces, with a pound sign (#) in front of it. For example, #PrimalForceAffiliate and #Supplements are both hashtags. They are used to identify messages on a specific topic. When used properly, they are a great way for individuals as well as brands… Read more »

How To Promote Affiliate Products On Your Blog

Promote affiliate products

10 Ways To Promote Dr Sears’ Affiliate Products On Your Blog Write a product review – Most , if not all of your are using one or more of Dr. Sears products. Tell your audience about you experience using the products. Tell your audience about tips and trick that you have discovered while using the product. Do a Case Study – Write a… Read more »

How to Use Social Media to Drive Traffic to Your Blog Posts

Use Social Media to drive traffic to your blog

How to use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Linkedin to drive traffic to your blog One of the best ways to drive traffic to your blog or website is to use social media. Facebook There are several ways to share your blog posts on your Facebook personal and business pages. You can update Your Status With a Link. Once you complete a… Read more »

How to create a blog in 7 Easy steps

How to setup a blog

One of the best way to attract people to the products that you are promoting for Dr. Sears is to create a blog. The process is relatively simple. The steps are listed below. Choose a domain name. This will be your online identity. If you are struggling to come up with a name, use your own name. e.g. Choose… Read more »

Social Media Image Sizes

Social Media Image Size Quick Reference Guide

Quick References: Social Media Image Size Are you using social media to promote Dr. Sears’ products? If not, you are missing out… How exactly should your image look so it fits in the News Feed, timeline, or stream of your favorite social media network? Here is a list of the optimal pixel size for your images on the top 6 social… Read more »